ABMA Diploma in Computer Engineering
Lindne Institute of Technologies is offering ABMA Diploma in Computer Engineering
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Qualification Levels Computer Engineering
Level 3 Certificate
1. The Computer
2. Principles of ICT System and Data Security
3. Customer care
4. Introduction to Networking
5. Personal Computer Hardware Support
Level 4 Diploma
1. Computer Systems
2. Computer Security
3. Management of Projects
4. Networking Technology
5. Personal Computer Software Support
Level 5 Diploma
1. Human Computer Interaction
2. Internet Server Management
3. IT Security Management
4. Advanced Networking Technology
5. IT Virtualisation
Level 6 Diploma
1. Data Centre Technology
2. Distributed and Concurrent Systems
3. VLSI Design and Signal Processing
4. Embedded and Digital Systems Engineering
5. Cloud Computing and Operating Systems
On Offer or Wanted | On Offer |
Member Since: Feb 2022