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Canadian 405W Monocrystalline Splitcell Solar Panels


The Canadian Solar 405W Mono PERC HiKU Black Frame with MC4-EVO2(CS6R-395|400|405|410|415|420MS) solar panel is a 405W monocrystalline module with proprietary mono wafer and cell technologies. Canadian Solar offers a high efficiency module with PERC cells, which thanks to its half-cell configuration offers high power output, better temperature coefficient, lower efficiency loss against shading and higher resistance to mechanical loads.

Ideal for off-grid photovoltaic solar energy installations. These panels stand out for their incredible quality/price ratio and their great power in a small size.

Technical Specifications

Rated (Peak) Power (Wp) : 405W in Standard 1000w/m2 solar light
Open Circuit Voltage : 37.0V (Vmp =31.0V)
Short Circuit Current : 13.93A (Imp = 13.07A)
Efficiency : 20.7%
Cell Type : Monocrystalline Silicon
Connector Type : MC4-Evo2
Certification : IEC 61215 / IEC 61730 / CE
Net Weight : 21.3 KG
Size : 1722 X 1134 X 30 mm

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