Transformers Galore!!!
- harare south
Available are transformers on SPECIAL 3000KVA 11/...
Transformers Service and Repairs
- harare south
Transformer problems???????? Annual services????...
Transformer Maintenance, Oil Filtration & Regeneration
- harare south
Onsite online and offline transformer oil filtrati...
Single Phase and Three Phase Foot Mount Electric Motors
- harare south
Single-phase (220V) and three-phase (380V) foot mo...
Septic Tank Draining Services (Honey Sucker)
- harare cbd
Septic Tank Draining Services (Honey Sucker)
Commercial and Industrial solar systems
- gweru
commercial 3-phase solar systems for small-scale,...
Electricity Power Transformers
- harare cbd
Brand New Zesa Certified Power Transformers Availa...
Trucks Dropsides and Floors
- harare south
Supply and fix of trucks loading boards, dropsides...