Consultancy to conduct a pre and post distribution survey
Job Description
The United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP) has partnered with Community Technology Development Organisation (CTDO) to implement the Protection and Accountability to Affected Populations (PAAP) project in collaboration with Caritas Zimbabwe and stakeholders on Lean Season Assistance (LSA) programme in Chivi District. The partners aim to provide effective and accountable LSA to vulnerable populations. To ensure that our programs are responsive to the needs of all beneficiaries, we require a pre and post distribution survey to assess community satisfaction with the LSA programme.
The objective of this pre-distribution survey is to:
1. Assess community satisfaction with LSA programme in terms of protection and accountability issues.
2. Identify community perceptions of the quality and relevance of LSA provided.
3. Gather information on community and stakeholder experiences with LSA processes.
4. Inform programme adjustments and improvements to enhance beneficiary satisfaction.
Duties and Responsibilities
The consultant/team will be responsible for:
• Developing the data collection tools.
• Training enumerators
• Collecting and analysing data.
• Providing a comprehensive report with findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
The consultant/team will submit the following deliverables:
1. A survey inception report which should be at most 5pages
2. A comprehensive report with findings, conclusions, and recommendations which should at most 20pages and should not be shared by any 3rd parties
3. A presentation summarizing the key findings and recommendations to be done to WFP and CTDO Management.
4. Raw data sets and data analysis outputs.
The assignment is expected to be completed within 20 calendar days. The consultant/team will provide regular updates on progress and submit the final report by 20/04/2025.
Qualifications and Experience
Consultant/Team Requirements
The consultant/team should have:
• Minimum Master’s degree in a related field
• Experience in conducting surveys and research on community satisfaction.
• Strong knowledge of humanitarian assistance and development programming.
• Excellent data collection and analysis skills.
• Strong report writing and presentation skills.
Offer / Seeker | Job Offer |
Member Since: Dec 2022
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