Luveve - House
Ref.: PRV197536
The property for sale is a 4 roomed ( BB3 ) Cottage 2 Bedrooms, Kitchen , Lounge , separate bath & toilet
Stand size : 232 square metres
Description : Wired for Electricity but no plumbing. It is located less than 200 meters from Luveve Private Hospital and Police Station
Asking price is US$26000 or Equivalent in Rands/ Pulas /Pounds payment terms acceptable
Property Size in m2 | 232 m² |
Bedrooms | 2 bedrooms |
Good ZESA | Yes |
Swimming Pool | No |
Garden | Yes |
Gravel-roads | Yes |
Tarred-roads | Yes |
Sewer-system | Yes |
Individual: Lerato
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Member Since: Jan 2016