
CALL/WASSUP: +27684500223/0684500223
The country that we can help with logistics is Zimbabwe{The Malaisha people}. We are a South African transformer company that manufacture and refurbish various products mentioned below from transformers and minisubs of any voltage. We also design minisubs, transformers, and rewind coils for companies according to San 780/SABS either for commercial, residential, for, mines, and etc. In other words, we sell both brand new and refurbished transformers. Our refurbished transformers have new coils, oil, tapswitch, and painted. A test certificate is issued as required by ZESA in Zimbabwe, or other countries. We pride ourselves with competent transformer designers working with our clients to their specific design. When you want us to save you money up to 50% why don’t you bring your old transformer to refurbish it? All our refurbished transformers work and test just like brand new ones. You may ask your coils in copper, or aluminium windings depending on your budget. Our transformers start from 16kva to 100mva. The primary voltage can be 11kv,15kv,22kv,33kv,1000v,3.3kv,550/380v, depending on any primary voltage you want we can do it. FOR DRC CLIENTS: We have a logistic company next to us that is owned by a Congolese and transport everything every week to DRC. I can give you his contact to pick up your transformer in DRC to South for refurbishment and bring it back to you. For Zimbabwean clients: Our transformers are to ZESA standard, bolted, or wielded. We also refurbish municipality transformers and minisubs.
(1) DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS: These transformers are normally considered to be those transformers which provide the transformation from 11kV, 22kV, 33kV and lower voltages down to the level of the final distribution network. 420V three phase and 242V between Phase and neutral.
(2) MINI SUBSTATION: A Mini Substation is a compact arrangement comprising an enclosure containing medium voltage (MV) switchgear, distribution transformer, low voltage (LV) switchboards, connections and auxiliary equipment to supply LV energy from MV system.
(3) METERING UNIT & VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER: Metering units are a combination of voltage transformers and current transformers assembled in an enclosure,
(4) POWER TRANSFORMER: A transformer in the generating station, transmission or distribution substation having very high MVA (mega Volt-Ampere) which is used to transmit the high capacity through power lines to the distribution centre is known as power transformer. They are generally rated with a voltage rating of 400kV 132kV, 66kV, 33kV etc.
(9) FURNACE TRANSFORMER: Furnace Transformer is designed to provide power for various electric furnaces.

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Individual: Eddie

Safety Tips

  1. Do not pay in advance even for the delivery.
  2. Try to meet at a safe, public location.
  3. Check the item before you buy it.
  4. Pay only after collecting the item.