Ruwa - Commercial & Industrial Land


Ref.: PGP205891
On the market is 2 Industrial Stands in Boulders Estate measuring 5314 sqms and 4579 sqms.

5314 sqms = US$ 214 .000. 00 Inc VAT. (ON OFFER)
4579 sqms =US$ 194 .840. 00 Inc VAT.

Favorable payment plan available.

The industrial area is fully serviced with tarred roads, dedicated electricity lines, storm water drains and privately supplied water through the main Estate.

The surrounding properties are fully built up.

Compliance certificates and relevant paperwork all in order to obtain title deeds upon full payment.

The last 2 remaining industrial properties in the Boulders Complex.

The selling price excludes the Endowment Levy and the Pro-Rata share of the ZESA Reticulation infrastructure. For a full inclusive price breakdown please feel free to contact Lawrence.



Property Size in m24579 m²
Sole MandateYes