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Active Filters: Harare
wedding package
  • harare west

Make your special day unforgettable with our exclu...

Roll top chafing dishes
  • harare south

Roll top chafing dishes available for hire

Tea urns
  • harare south

Tea urns available for hire

Cabana tents
  • harare south

Cabana tents available for hire

Clearspan tents
  • harare south

Transparent clearspan tents available

Stretch tents
  • harare south

Stretch tents available for hire

  • harare south

Artificial turf available for hire

Projector Screens for Hire
  • harare west

Tripod Projector screens in different sizes for hi...

Tent For Hire
  • harare west

Tent For Hire... we have both sizes that fit the n...

Presidential chairs
  • harare south

Brown presidential chairs available for hire

Generator for hire
  • harare west

4.5 KvA, 10 KvA, 17 KvA Generators for Hire

Black mirrored table
  • harare south

Black mirrored tables available for hire

Dark wood rustic tables
  • harare south

Dark wood rustic tables for hire $15 each

Table set up with Phoenix chairs all for hire
  • harare west

Glamorous Table set up with phoenix chairs, this i...

Wide range of underplates for hire
  • harare south

we have a Wide range of under-plates for hire