Apple MacBook Pro 2018 Touchbar 15 inch
- Used
- 15.4 inc
- Core i 7
- harare north
Extremely neat MacBook Pro 1 year Guarantee
Dell Latitude 5480
- Used
- 14 inc
- core i5
- harare cbd
Dell Latitude 5480 core i5 , 6th Gen ,256gb SSD ,8...
Dell 5520 11th generation core i 5
- Used
- 15 inc
- Core i 5
- harare north
Barely used One year warranty Bargain price...
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 11e Neat
- Used
- 11.6 inc
- harare cbd
4GB RAM 128SSD 6Hrs Battery Dazzling Display Full...
Apple Pro 2019 Touchbar Core i 5
- Used
- 13.3 inc
- Core i 5
- harare north
MacBook Pro 2019 Core i 5 Low cycle count...
Apple M1 PRO(16inch) 2021
- Used
- 16 inc
- M1
- harare north
Extremely neat M1 MacBook Pro One year guarant...
Apple MacBook Air M2 (2023) Model
- Used
- 15 inc
- M2
- harare north
Good as new MacBook Only one week out of box C...
HP Notebook 15 Intel Dual Core NEAT - 3 Months Warranty
- Used
- 15.6 inc
- harare cbd
Intel Dual Core 4GB Ram, 1TB HDD, 15.6-inch Displa...
HP Probook 450 g8 core i 5
- Used
- 15.6 inc
- Core i 5
- harare north
Probook 450 G8 1 year guarantee Core i 5 Good...
Lenovo E480 core i 5
- Used
- 14 inc
- Core i 5
- harare north
Giveaway prices Original laptops Comes with on...
Dell 3190 dualcore 4gb ram 256gb ssd
- Used
- 11.6 inc
- pentium
- harare cbd
dell 2in1 touchscreen convertible
Dell Latitude 3379
- Used
- 13.3 inc
- core i5
- harare cbd
Dell Latitude 3379 , 256gb SSD ,8GB Ram core i5 ,1...
Apple MacBook Pro 2016
- Used
- 13 inc
- Corei7
- harare cbd
Apple MacBook Pro 2016 Intel corei7 16GB RAM 5...
Dell LATITUDE 7390
- Used
- 13.3 inc
- core i5
- harare cbd
Dell Latitude 7390,core i5 ,8th Gen ,256gb SSD ,8g...