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Zimmer Frame
  • harare east

A Zimmer Frame is a mobility aid used to provide...

Walking Sticks
  • harare east

Used as a means for support for people with reduce...

Elbow Crutches
  • harare east

Crutches are medical devices designed to aid in am...

Commode Chair
  • harare east

When someone is able to get out of bed,it can be a...

Lumbar Corset
  • harare east

Prices vary with sizes A lumbar corset works by p...

Dynamic Finger Splints
  • harare east

Dynamic finger splints are designed to provide a l...

Ripple Air Mattresses
  • harare east

Decreases danger of pressure sores.Prevent the lik...

Pulse Oximeter
  • harare east

It observes a rapid measument of oxygen saturation...

ECG Thermal paper
  • harare east

Recording of signals in the Electro Cardio graphic...

Thoracolumbar corset
  • harare east

To manage stable uncomplicated spinal injuries.Als...

Tummy Trimmer
  • harare east

It helps in toning abdomen muscles,helps in flatte...

Abdorminal Swabs
  • harare east

To absorb blood and other body fluids from the ope...

Neoprene Knee brace
  • harare east

Supports your knee joints and relieves symptoms li...

Blue Lumbar Support Belt
  • harare east

Instant Relief,Supporting the back in a comfortabl...

Baby Hanging Scale
  • harare east

It provides consistent foot placement and a reliab...

Cord Clamps
  • harare east

Cord blood banking: The blood collected from the u...

Nebulizer machine
  • harare east

They turn liquid medications into a fine mists,all...

In Sole of Silicon
  • harare east

They reduce the pressure and impact on the joints,...

Gluco Strips
  • harare east

To deliver the accurate level of glucose in the bl...

Fetal Doppler
  • harare east

To check the baby's heart rate.